Draft? WHAT draft?
The liberals' policy? If you can't find something bad about your conservative/libertarian opponent, make something up. No, I am not going to talk about my personal experience running for local office in heavily pro-choice and pro-corruption Sycamore, Illinois. My focus is on recent rumors that Bush intends to reinstate the draft, and this time there won't be any deferments for college. Just like he intends to abolish Social Security. Yeah, right.... You don't ever have to worry about a GOP President eliminating a 7.65% tax on ALL earned income of the working poor.
There actually are two bills in Congress to reinstate the draft, but they are all sponsored by DEMOCRATS. The Senate version by retiring Sen. Ernest Hollings, and the House version by more than a dozen sponsors, ALL Democrats. Sounds like they created the very thing they intend to use to scare young adults into voting for Kerry. The GOP had nothing to do with it.
There is a draft-related bill being sponsored by three Republicans, including Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX), but the bill is to eliminate Selective Service registration, currently the closest thing the U.S. has to a draft.
What the Democrats are doing is a version of a common campaign trick used against anti-establishment candidates in Sycamore: have an insider file a false criminal complaint against a candidate and the crooked cops arrest him, send a press release to the local papers and try to use the arrest as a campaign issue. It does not matter which political party the insider is affiliated with, because the "Republicans" in that part of Illinois would be Democrats anywhere else.
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