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Tuesday, July 06, 2004

Why George Bush Should Choose Osama bin Laden as HIS Running Mate

OK, now equal time for the Republicans.

George W. Bush should replace Dick Cheney on the GOP ticket with Osama bin Laden. Here is why:

10: bin Laden was born in another country, but that's OK, Bush was born on another planet!
9: Bush needs bin Laden's money. All the multi-billionaires in the U.S. are pulling for Kerry.
8: bin Laden is even better at hiding than Cheney is. Only Bush knows the whereabouts of either one of them.
7: Like Bush, bin Laden does not believe in the separation of religion and government.
6: The Taliban is very good at punishing people with differing opinions.
5: Bush and bin Laden both deny their connections with Saddam Hussein.
4: With Kerry getting all the votes of singles, Catholics, women, and men under 30, Bush needs all the Muslim votes he can get.
3: bin Laden does not have any history of heart trouble, becuase he doesn't have a heart.
2: To get THIS economy out of recession, Bush not only needs God's help, he needs Allah's too.


1: bin Laden saved Bush's ass in 2001, and Bush owes him a favor in return!!!


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