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Monday, July 05, 2004

Top 10 Reasons John Kerry Should Choose Scott Peterson For VP Running Mate

Here are the top 10 reasons Scott Peterson would be the perfect VP running mate for Democratic Presidential Candidate John Kerry:

10: Scott Peterson couldn't be much worse.
9: The fact that he's about to become a convicted felon has never stopped the Democrats before.
8: He lives in California, and the Democrats need its 55 electoral votes to win.
7: Like Howard Dean, he killed unborn babies before beginning his political career.
6: He's younger than Dick Gephardt or Joe Lieberman.
5: No one will say Scott Peterson should be at the top of the ticket.
4: He's one of only two men who can abuse the women in his life and still have the support of the N.O.W. Klux Klan. Bill Clinton is the other.
3: Gephardt voted to ban partial-birth abortion, and Edwards missed the vote altogether. Peterson actually COMMITTED a late-term abortion.
2: It does not matter to a feminist that Laci did not consent to the abovementioned late-term abortion. If she shows signs of being pro-life, just make another Terri Schiavo out of her.
1: Because Hillary Clinton has chosen Scott Peterson, and no Democrat in his right mind would contramand her orders!


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